ପ୍ରିଜମ୍ ନ୍ୟୁଜ ବ୍ୟୁରୋ: ବରିଷ୍ଠ କଂଗ୍ରେସ ନେତା ଅହମ୍ମଦ ପଟେଲଙ୍କ ପରଲୋକ। ୭୧ ବର୍ଷ ବୟସରେ ହରିୟାଣା ଗୁରୁଗ୍ରାମର ଏକ ଘରୋଇ ହସ୍ପିଟାଲରେ ତାଙ୍କର ବିୟୋଗ ଘଟିଛି। ରାତି ସାଢ଼େ ୩ଟାରେ ଶେଷ ନିଃଶ୍ୱାସ ତ୍ୟାଗ କରିଥିବା ନେଇ ପୁଅ ଫଇଜଲ ପଟେଲ ଟ୍ୱିଟ୍ କରି ସୂଚନା ଦେଇଛନ୍ତି।
ଗୁଜରାଟରୁ ରାଜ୍ୟସଭା ସାଂସଦ ଥିବା ଅହମ୍ମଦ ପଟେଲ ପୂର୍ବରୁ କୋରୋନାରେ ଆକ୍ରାନ୍ତ ଥିଲେ। ପରେ ପରେ ତାଙ୍କ ଶରୀରର ଏକାଧିକ ଅଙ୍ଗପ୍ରତ୍ୟଙ୍ଗ ଅଚଳ ହୋଇଯାଇଥିଲା। ଶେଷରେ ଗତକାଲି ବିଳମ୍ବିତ ରାତିରେ ଏହି ରାଜ୍ୟସଭା ସାଂସଦଙ୍କ ଦେହାନ୍ତ ଘଟିଛି। କଂଗ୍ରେସର ଜଣେ ଟାଣୁଆ ନେତା ଭାବେ ଅହମ୍ମଦ ପଟେଲ ଜଣାଶୁଣା ଥିଲେ। ରାଜ୍ୟସଭାରୁ ୫ ଥର ଓ ଲୋକସଭାରୁ ୩ ଥର ନିର୍ବାଚିତ ହୋଇଥିଲେ। ଦଳର ବଡ଼ ବଡ଼ ଦାୟିତ୍ୱ ସୁଚାରୁ ରୂପେ ତୁଲାଇ ଆସିଥିଲେ ଏହି ବରିଷ୍ଠ ନେତା। ତାଙ୍କ ବିୟୋଗରେ ବିଭିନ୍ନ ମହଲରେ ଶୋକର ଛାୟା ଖେଳି ଯାଇଛି।
@ahmedpatel pic.twitter.com/7bboZbQ2A6
— Faisal Patel (@mfaisalpatel) November 24, 2020
अहमद पटेल जी के अचानक देहांत से आज देश ने और कांग्रेस पार्टी ने एक बहुत बड़ा नेता खो दिया है। अहमद भाई ने जो लोगों की सेवा की, चाहे संसद के अंदर रहकर हो या कांग्रेस पार्टी के अलग-अलग पदों पर रहकर, उसे पूरा करना अब असंभव है : श्री @ghulamnazad pic.twitter.com/Jipxy27FO0
— Congress (@INCIndia) November 25, 2020
वरिष्ठ कांग्रेस नेता श्री अहमद पटेल जी अब हमारे बीच में नहीं रहे। यह दुखद समाचार सुनकर गहरा आघात पहुंचा है। आदरणीय अहमद पटेल जी वर्षों तक कांग्रेस की निस्वार्थ भाव से सेवा करते रहे : श्री @plpunia pic.twitter.com/1XPTXyf5t4
— Congress (@INCIndia) November 25, 2020
Ahmed ji was an asset to INC. He had friends in every State, in every party & he is the one to whom we always turned to, to reach out to another leader of another party.
— Congress (@INCIndia) November 25, 2020
The party & the nation will miss him & mourn his passing away for many many years: Shri. @PChidambaram_IN pic.twitter.com/Hm90WV2C89
Saddened by the demise of Ahmed Patel Ji. He spent years in public life, serving society. Known for his sharp mind, his role in strengthening the Congress Party would always be remembered. Spoke to his son Faisal and expressed condolences. May Ahmed Bhai’s soul rest in peace.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 25, 2020
It is a sad day. Shri Ahmed Patel was a pillar of the Congress party. He lived and breathed Congress and stood with the party through its most difficult times. He was a tremendous asset.
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) November 25, 2020
We will miss him. My love and condolences to Faisal, Mumtaz & the family. pic.twitter.com/sZaOXOIMEX
Deeply saddened by the passing away of veteran Congress leader Shri #AhmedPatel Ji. My thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved family. May his soul rest in peace.
— Naveen Patnaik (@Naveen_Odisha) November 25, 2020